Auto authorise auth permission request


I am currently developing a webpage with SAFE API. Everytime the webpage runs, it will requires the user to accept the request auth permission as shown. When I reload the webpage at the second time it will just waiting and never show the permission request anymore until I restart the browser.

I’ve try to skip the window.safeApp.authorise part but it seems to be important to get the auth_uri. Is there any other way that user can always authorise automatically or at least show the request permission every time I reload so that I do not need to restart every time to see the updated code?

Hey @JackTiew In the SAFE Authenticator, under Authorised Apps there is a small lock icon on the top left corner. This icon toggles automatic app re-authentication and it is disabled by default. Enabling that should help you out

Should it be lock or unlock for the icon? Because I have tried for both but it still having the same problem…

To auto-authorise apps, the icon should be unlocked.

Unfortunately I allow to re-authenticate automatically but the authorise function is just waiting forever…

What version of the browser are you using? Consider using the latest version. As an easy alternative you can try out this version of the beaker browser.

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I am using peruse browser v0.5.1

@JackTiew, this seems similar to something we’ve seen this issue before with certain builds.

Can you please try the latest build here: and let us know how you get on!

If there are still issues, please let us know your system info too, thanks :+1:

Yes this version of peruse works perfectly! Thank you so much!:laughing::laughing:


Good news @JackTiew - Thanks @joshuef!

I’ll close this off now.

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