Fetch SAFE demonstrates a simple SAFE app, written in Rust using the Yew framework, deployed as WebAssembly and running in SAFE Browser


What messages does the console contain?


These projects target developers and as such I don’t believe so.

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One way to get more developers is to ask punters to help solve problems. I’m no dev, just a guy who likes to test things and report back

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Indeed Willie, and very helpful it is to have you and others willing to poke around.

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If you can put up with the daft questions…

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Thanks. If you

  1. delete dist
  2. delete pkg
  3. delete the sed -i '' 's/pkg\/fetchsafe_bg.wasm/fetchsafe.wasm/g' $__dir/../dist/fetchsafe.js line from scripts/build-develop
  4. run scripts/build-develop
  5. replace await init('/pkg/fetchsafe_bg.wasm'); with await init('/fetchsafe.wasm'); in dist/fetchsafe.js
  6. run safe files put dist/ --recursive
  7. open the FilesContainer XOR-URL in SAFE Browser v0.16.0-alpha.2

do the results differ?

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I’ll have a go.
Just opened a beer though…

Drowning your sorrows?

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I don’t see that line…



It would take the output of several breweries and most distilleries west of the Spey to drown my sorrows at the xenophobic idiocy of your countrymen that dragged me out of the EU…

I have failed miserably to find the Ben Elton clip that should go here - but YKWIM

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OH FFS… 20 char

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willie@gagarin:~/projects/maidsafe/fetchsafe$ safe files put dist/ --recursive
FilesContainer created at: “safe://hnyynyi631tnsh8o5o8bfg8jgk461j79yew4hj5nm9awntihxf3d4whcpgbnc”

  • dist/fetchsafe.css safe://hbhyyynsxerinwom7o4w5sya8h3giheusihmkq9setpc6d4jti8r3ghxyw
  • dist/fetchsafe.js safe://hbkygyn14owrnzwuw4zpi61bdifg3o1a7gbafgzk91orgp5epdwozxwh3m
  • dist/fetchsafe.json safe://hbkygony7b8kajf6i9pan37mxa5ujt9regiqg8o93wqtubk9pi8fintf6f
  • dist/fetchsafe.wasm safe://hbyyyyd89nskmwxm5ypiut3bjruw8fns3c87nb5n9yns8k999bcu4nwjcd
  • dist/index.html safe://hbhybyd6hbjyw888949zzdzqxuuszrcpjcs1ob3g9pxapwgmsncuzwcj7b

looking good so far…

Enter the XOR-URL of fetchsafe.json to observe failure

but when I hit enter, nothing happens

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That’s the issue I’ve reported. If you instead enter “fetchsafe.json” you’ll see its contents displayed in the console.

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like this?

I get a panic

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Enter fetchsafe.json not "fetchsafe.json".

Is this what we are looking for?

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Yes. Fetching files within the FilesContainer via path is successful however fetching files via their XOR-URL fails.


The project has been updated to use a mirror of Yew that provides additional debugging information[0][1]. Thanks @Shane for the suggestion.