Proposed changes in NFS

Me neither. It is more complicated and decreases performance - but waiting for @DavidMtl and @Traktion 's opinions.

So should this not discourage us from providing dir-versioning ? File versioning can be interpreted only in one way while for dir there seems to be divergence.

Can you give a modification of types if we were to go the dir-versioning way ?

Quick modification of the structure in O.P link would look like this:

/// `StructuredData::data(encrypted(serialised(DirListing)));`
/// where:
// =================================
enum DirListing {

struct Dir {
    sub_dirs: Vec<DirMetadata>,
    files: Vec<FileMetadata>,

// =================================
// If shared ppl can update this independently of each other, attaching it to any existing tree they have.
struct DirMetadata {
    locator: DataIdentifier, // DataIdentifier::Structured(UNVERSIONED_SD_TYPE_TAG, XorName)
    encrypt_key: Option<secretbox::Key>,
    name: String,
    created: Time,
    modified: Time,
    user_metadata: Vec<u8>,

// =================================
struct FileMetadata {
    name: String,
    size: u64,
    created: Time,
    modified: Time,
    user_metadata: Vec<u8>,
    data_map: DataMap,

You can take it from there ^^^ if you want.