Can anyone build Mock-Routing on Win?

Steps to build routing with the mock-routing feature on Windows 7. These steps were completed on a VM running a clean Windows 7 OS.

  1. Download MinGW-64 -

  2. Run MinGW installer and during installation change architecture to x86_64

  3. Install rust using rustup - - download and run rustup-init.exe - ignore any warnings when asked about installing the Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools, just continue since you ‘know what you are doing’; Select 2) Customize Installation; host triple is x86_64-windows-pc-gnu; toolchain is stable; modify path is y (for yes); Select 1) Proceed with installation

  4. Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 -

  5. Install powershell - - all the prerequisites should already be installed.

  6. Download or git-clone safe_client_libs - - make sure you have the right version, almost certainly not the master branch!

  7. Build safe_client_libs - Start > MinGW-64 > Run Terminal; cd path\to\safe_client_libs; cargo build --release --features use-mock-routing

This setup also works for building safe_vault on windows.

I have succefully compiled safe_client_libs with mock routing but haven’t tried the compiled binary with the launcher yet.


  • Use MinGW-64 for gcc 64 bit (not 32 bit)
  • Use rustup for easy management of rust environment variables and versions
  • Use gnu toolchain for rust, not msvc (which is the default for most rust with windows)

Using MinGW64 solves this error.