Can not join node from one Ipv6 machine to another.


Server 1 & 2

sn_node: 0.26.7
sn_cli: 0.18.0
sn_auth: 0.1.0
Operating System: 5.4.81-1-MANJARO-ARM aarch64


Server 1

~/.safe/sn_launch_tool -d ~/.safe/node/nodes -n11 --ip my.ipv6.server1.address

Server 2

safe networks add folaht
echo "\"[2001:983:8610:1:854:efb1:52e6:85a3]:12000\"" | tee ~/.safe/cli/networks/folaht_node_connection_info.config >/dev/null
safe networks switch folaht


Node joins folaht’s safe network.



Running sn_node v0.26.7
[sn_node] ERROR 2021-02-06T02:47:20.793189175+01:00 [src/bin/] Cannot start node due to error: Routing(Network(BootstrapFailure))

If this helps, in order to join your network as per @tfa hack to the client.config file, I had to delete the node_connection_info.config file in .safe/node , otherwise that was the file that was used to launch the node

I’ve started looking at having a command for setting up a network in CLI’s config from a IP:port: feat(cli): command to configure networks in the config by providing a list of IP and ports by bochaco · Pull Request #710 · maidsafe/sn_api · GitHub

I’m initially going for having an additional networks set subcommand that it can receive IP:port (both ipv4 or ipv6) as opposed to networks add which expects a URL for where to pull the connection info from. So e.g.

$ safe networks add maidsafe-testnet
Network 'maidsafe-testnet' was added to the list. Connection information is located at ''

$ safe networks set folaht-ipv6-testnet [2001:983:8610:1:854:efb1:52e6:85a3]:12000
Network 'folaht-ipv6-testnet' was added to the list. Contacts: '{[2001:983:8610:1:854:efb1:52e6:85a3]:12000}'

$ safe networks
| Networks            |                                                                                              |
| Network name        | Connection info                                                                              |
| folaht-ipv6-testnet | {[2001:983:8610:1:854:efb1:52e6:85a3]:12000}                                                 |
| maidsafe-testnet    | |



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