SAFE Drive issue with decentralised git on SAFE Network

In case anyone fancies diving into a tricky error while using SAFE for decentralising git repositories (that would be cool wouldn’t it), I’ve created an issue with details of how to reproduce it.

It might help just to have someone else run through this and discuss it with me, so don’t feel you need to be an expert (I’m not clearly :wink:) to help with this. I’ll be happy to help anyone get set up, so it would be a useful learning for anyone who wants that.

The above actually shows how to reproduce two bugs. The second I haven’t looked into much yet, but by all means have a go at either. The second might be unrelated, although one bug often solves another.


I got no error…

$ git push origin master
Counting objects: 571, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (161/161), done.
Writing objects: 100% (571/571), 296.07 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 571 (delta 408), reused 571 (delta 408)
To /home/safe/SAFE/_public/tests/data1/blah
 * [new branch]      master -> master

that’s on the back of a fairly clean install; so, guessing something more complex about your setup is causing a hiccup.


Just seen you replied on github, so moving the discussing to there.

Thanks for having a go - this is very helpful David, I really appreciate it :slight_smile:

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Linux Mint 18.1 Serena
git version 2.7.4

Did you follow the instructions exactly - commands, environment variables etc?

I think so… though I’m down with flu atm so all is a bit foggy.
The only difference seemed trivial that nothing of ~/SAFE existed so I created the two folders and then _public/tests/data1/

Edit: you were prompting for git 2.19.1 … which I missed. That’s the only difference I can spot from the abc you laid down.

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Ahhh, sounds like you didn’t use SAFE Drive, but created a folder on your local hard drive at ~/SAFE and pushed to that rather than SAFE.

Edit: you were prompting for git 2.19.1 … which I missed. That’s the only difference I can spot from the abc you laid down

You didn’t miss that, I just added it for reference :wink:

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That was as much as I read into point 4

  1. Check your SAFE Drive is ready:
$ ls ~/SAFE
_public _publicNames
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I’m not clear if step 4 was OK?

The only difference seemed trivial that nothing of ~/SAFE existed so I created the two folders and then _public/tests/data1/

Can you explain this in more detail? Cheers.

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Simply, where those didn’t exist, I created them as empty folders - given that’s a common problem that location doesn’t exist.

You’re right, likely I wasn’t using a mounted SAFE Drive… just trying that now for the first time; though while the browser requests authorizing, there isn’t an obvious request from SAFE FUSE… :thinking:


OK, step 4 will be as described if you have SAFE Drive ready, if not, anything after that isn’t testing it.

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Following the abc at GitHub - happybeing/safenetwork-fuse: SAFE Drive: access SAFE storage using the file system of Windows, Mac OS and Linux
I can’t seem to get FUSE to do the expected request to authorise.

b) SAFE Browser should come to the front asking you to authorise SAFE FUSE to access your files, so click ‘Authorise’.

which is kind of odd as the focus switches to the browser expecting that, as if it’s been prompted for.

Unclear to me what fix is for that.

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Sorry David, I could have sworn I’d updated those instructions but I must not have pushed the update. I’ve now done so, but the gist is that:

  • you should ignore everything about using ‘build’ and ‘mount-safe’ as the build stuff is not working atm.

  • set up for development as described in the github instructions

  • you need to mount SAFE Drive using node in the way I described in the github issue (use the exact command copied and pasted from there)

  • use SAFE Browser v11.1 (released a few days ago) - Dev build

Thanks again for helping out!

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FYI: Git specialists gathering in Brussels today (also at FOSDEM):