UML Diagrams for Safe Network rust crates. <------- check it out.

boring details

I fixed up (brought back to life and enhanced) a cli tool for generating UML diagrams from rust code. One diagram per crate.

Safe Network related crates are being diagrammed daily, and are viewable at above link.

Anyone interested in making/automating such diagrams can check out contrib/autogen in the above-linked diagramming tool.



Would also be nice to see graphs of dependencies. I imagine such graph quickly growing too big to sensible make sense of visually, but I imagine different approaches to reduce complexity might help with that:

  • ignore crate versions - i.e. list relationship between crate projects
  • ignore general-purpose crates - i.e. list relationship between SAFE-specific crates only

Each graph simplification has benefits but at the same time looses details sometimes important, so I imagine it would be useful to provide multiple simplied renderings.